Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” The value of giving of our time and talents is not just a word of encouragement from a well know figure but research tells us that giving is a powerful means to personal growth and happiness.
Volunteering is an act of the heart and something I feel strongly about. Making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate gives a sense of purpose. Each day presents opportunities to be of service. You lose ‘yourself’ when helping others.
Being blessed with good health gives me the opportunity to be of service.
In 2002, two years after moving to Covington, I began volunteering at Northshore Food Bank. At that time, it was called The Food Bank of Covington. In those 20 years I have watched the growth of the Food Bank and the ‘spirit’ of the staff and volunteers. Volunteering has given me the opportunity of meeting so many wonderful, committed people, all with the same goal of feeding those people who find themselves in need of nourishing food (a little hand up).
Northshore Food Bank has grown by ‘leaps & bounds’ into an organization providing services that reach across parish boundaries’ in times of natural disasters.
The Food Bank seeks to find those in need and makes every effort to fill that need. Employees continue to provide new, innovative, “Nutritional Programs” to meet the needs of those who suffer from food insecurity.
It is truly a blessing to be a volunteer at Northshore Food Bank.