Each year, volunteers in RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) St Tammany, visit the Southeast Louisiana Veterans Cemetery and place flags on graves as part of their September 11th remembrance project. This year, program director Gwen Byars decided to cancel the event due to COVID-19 and instead organize something socially distant that would also help the community. She reached out to program volunteers, offering a way they could volunteer while also feeling safe during the pandemic.
Over 50 volunteers distributed bags in their neighborhoods, collected them, and then brought them to the Volunteers of America office in Mandeville for a drive through drop off. Gulf Coast Bank partnered with Volunteers of America as well, acting as a pick up and drop off point for collection bags. The result? Over 10,000 lbs of food! During a time where supply chain logistics are on ongoing challenge, a food drive of this magnitude goes a long way in ensuring our staple boxes are filled. If you would like to host a drive, please register here or email gkunkle@northshorefoodbank.org.