It may not be possible to host large gatherings, including those that incorporate food drives. However, there are plenty of ways you can safely host a drive and help the food bank!
- Host a Neighborhood Drive-Leave a bag on each porch with a flyer requesting items and your planned date of pick up. We are happy to supply the bags and a list of our most needed items when you register your drive.
- Drive-Thru Drop Off-Host a day at your planned site (business, church, neighborhood clubhouse, etc) where donors can drive up and unload their donations into bins in a specified area, keeping the donation completely contact free.
- Make it a Competition-Station a box or bin in offices or departments, or ask everyone to fill bags and return them. Offer an incentive for the winning group, such as a jeans day in the office or lunch.
- Go Virtual-Host an online food drive, requesting donors to purchase food from our Amazon Wish List. Or, if hosting a virtual event, consider requesting a monetary donation to purchase our most needed items.
- Host a Fund Drive-A fund drive is the safest and most efficient way to help the food bank during COVID-19. You can host a drive on Facebook utilizing their fundraising tool and the proceeds will be sent to us. Or, you can ask donors to donate directly to our website and list your name or organization in the 'Additional Comments' section. This way we can provide you with a total at the end of your fundraiser.
Be sure to schedule your summer food drive today! We are able to accept donations at our Community Donations door Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 9a-12p and the 2nd and 4th Saturday each month by entering our gate on 29th Ave. If you see a long line of vehicles do not be deterred; this is our growing food pick up line. Simply bypass the line, enter the same gate and turn sharply to the left to park in front of our Community Donations door. A staff member or volunteer will provide carts or a bin for unloading. If you would like to schedule a drop off date or a pick up, please call 985.327.0044 or email gkunkle@northshorefoodbank.org.